James Haskell: Tips for better sleep

By JAMES HASKELL In this column over the last few weeks I have repeatedly spoken about and stressed the importance of nutrition, being as it is an integral part of any successful training routine. Hopefully some of what has been said appears to have struck a chord. In fact I have had so much interest […]
James Haskell: Top tips for weight loss

By JAMES HASKELL If you are working on shaping up for summer but don’t have much time to spend on improving your fitness, I have some good tips for helping you get better results. 1 – Prioritise nutrition You can’t train on a bad diet. So if you’re serious about shifting a few pounds, you […]
James Haskell: How to get started with fitness

By JAMES HASKELL How do I start getting fit? This is probably the question I get asked the most. In this day and age everyone has a basic understanding about the importance and need to take some regular exercise. However if this involves more than walking the dog then there is stuff to know and […]
James Haskell: The reasons why you’re bloated… and what to do about it!

By JAMES HASKELL You don’t need me to tell you how bad it feels when you’re bloated after a meal. You’re enjoying your food, minding your own business when BAM! A food baby grows in your belly, usually accompanied by strange sounding noises and abdominal discomfort. We’ve all been there, and know exactly how uncomfortable (and […]
James Haskell: The workouts in vogue

Our columnist and England rugby player James Haskell writes about the most popular workouts at the moment… – People are always asking me on social media about current trending workouts. This makes for a nice follow up to my previous column about why women should be lifting weights. Here’s my whistle stop guide to what’s hot exercise-wise […]
James Haskell: Why women must start lifting weights

Our columnist, England Rugby player James Haskell, explains why weights are an important part of your fitness routine… – It will come as a huge shock to a great many women that research indicates the healthiest bodies are those, which reflect the hard work of a varied exercise routine, this includes resistance training, ergo weight lifting. […]
James Haskell: How to get muscle definition

Ten top tips to help men gain muscle and women shape and definition, by James Haskell… — I have just finishing writing my latest book, which is a definitive Lean Gains Bodybuilding Programme 12 weeks of tough training but it will definitely work if you follow the plan assiduously. I say this with even more confidence […]
James Haskell: 10 ways to make vegetables more appealing

By JAMES HASKELL Happy New Year to all our regular readers as well as those new to my column! I have written a lot recently about the vital importance of nutrition as being an essential part of any successful exercise regime or programme. The simple truth being without the right nutrition to support your training, […]
James Haskell: How to maximise your Rest and Recovery

No matter how hard or how smart you train, you’ll never get the results you want if you’re not paying proper attention to your rest and recovery. The science is simple; when you are in the gym or playing sports, you cause small tears to occur in your muscle fibres. Your body repairs these tears […]
James Haskell: Muscle building without a gym membership

By JAMES HASKELL As we enter the final run-in to the festive season, understandably most people’s thoughts will be revolving around lists of all the food, drink and tasty ancillary bits they need to buy over the coming 10 days, plus of course all the presents they have yet to buy! Additionally no doubt they […]
James Haskell: Nine delicious Carbs that won’t make you fat

By JAMES HASKELL As we build towards the main fitness event of this and indeed any year, namely the New Year Resolution to become fit, fitter or the fittest you have ever been. We continue our examination of Nutrition, in an effort to debunk as many of the myths and untruths, which surround this subject. […]
James Haskell: Diet fads to avoid

By JAMES HASKELL Whenever a ‘new’ diet comes along, I always take it with a generous pinch of scepticism. The power of the internet these days means that dietary advice – whether it’s healthful or harmful – can spread like wildfire. Remember: Unlike us at JHHF most people on the internet have absolutely no interest […]
James Haskell: 11 tips to becoming a stronger, faster runner

England rugby player, James Haskell, shares tips for improving your PB… – I need to start by declaring I am not a huge fan of running, jogging or whatever your preferred terminology might be. I have to engage in it but let’s put it this way, I wouldn’t beat a path to the back door […]
James Haskell: Finding the right trainer and fitness plan

England Rugby player James Haskell continues his column by offering some tips for finding the right personal trainer… – By JAMES HASKELL Last week I wrote about finding the best gym. Once you have found one that is suitable for you, it is important to decide what kind of personal trainer you want. What kind […]
James Haskell: Getting started with fitness

England Rugby player James Haskell offers some tips for those wanting to get fit, including how to find the right gym… – By JAMES HASKELL So you want to get fit and in shape, but don’t know how to get started? This is something that luckily hasn’t been an issue for me over the last […]