Mum Diary: Changing made easy thanks to Magnet Mouse

By Katie Ann Wiseman Anyone who has changed a baby or a toddler’s nappy will know what a struggle it can be! What sounds like a simple task, can be extremely hard work! Fidgeting, rolling, crying and all those poppers make it even more difficult at the best of times. While there are some beautiful […]
CARiFiT ViRTUAL: A workout for new mums to enjoy with their babies

If you are a new mum on a fitness drive, you will be keen to hear about CARiFiT. This is a safe, fun and results-driven post-natal body changing workout, which can be done whilst wearing the baby, which means even more bonding time for you and your little one. Earlier this year, CARiFiT ViRTUAL launched, […]