Top-tier rowing awaits those visiting Henley Royal Regatta 2024

The crowds are gathering in Henley-on-Thames for the world-famous Henley Royal Regatta 2024. Crews are competing for a coveted place on Finals Day, which takes place on Sunday 7th July. This is the 185th year of this prestigious event and it is more popular than ever with competitors and spectators alike. For July 2024, there […]
The British Social Season turns its attention to Henley Royal Regatta 2023

The British Summer Social Season is in full swing and the events are coming thick and fast. Following on from a successful Royal Ascot last week, the society and sporting calendar is turning its attention to the Henley Royal Regatta 2023. The crowds have been flocking to the riverside to watch some thrilling racing on […]
Henley Royal Regatta returns with a bang

After the many months of various lockdowns that we have experienced, it was a real treat to visit Henley-on-Thames to enjoy the world-famous Henley Royal Regatta. The Regatta usually takes place earlier in the summer and it is an established highlight of the British Summer Social Season. Although some events have been cancelled this year, […]