Party season hair essentials

With so many parties to attend over Christmas and in the run up to New Year, your hair needs to be in the best possible condition. We have selected our favourite products to keep your locks shiny and healthy. Each of the products have received glowing reports from members of The Sloaney beauty team. Bright highlights […]
Top tips to help counter hair loss and hair thinning

As we grow older, our hair becomes naturally thinner and more fragile. Colouring, extreme weather conditions and pollution can all damage our locks and also accelerate the aging process. It can be very frustrating to see your hair reducing in fullness and we have some top tips to help you counter the thinning process and […]
Clip in your perfect hair style with Easilocks Red Carpet

By LAURA TOOGOOD I have experimented with various types of hair extensions over the years. My first venture was an attempt to rescue a rather extreme series of colour changes. This was during the time when I was working in fashion and had to move quickly from blonde to brown and then black to red, […]