Badminton Horse Trials Trot Up 2024: The Fashion Report

The sun shone brightly at the Mars Badminton Horse Trials 2024 throughout the day today. The warm rays encouraged a large crowd to gather in front of Badminton House to watch the riders and horses present themselves at the First Horse Inspection. This is a momentous occasion and, in recent years, there has been an […]
Badminton Horse Trials 2014 Trot Up: The Fashion Report

By LAURA TOOGOOD Keen observers of The Sloaney’s British Summer Social Season Guide will have noted that the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials is now in full swing. Our coverage from the trot up was so well received last year that we decided to take it one step further in 2014 and provide our readers with exclusive […]
The Sloaney launches video channel with highlights from Badminton Horse Trials
The Sloaney team is very excited (and perhaps a little nervous!) to introduce our brand spanking new Vimeo channel. Sarah Bacon and Kerinne Bunting have been busy capturing images from the first few days of this year’s Badminton Horse Trials. Last night Sarah work around the clock with our Editor, Laura Toogood, to transform the photo […]