The Season 2020: 29% off Polo in the Park tickets on the 29th February

February might have felt like a long, cold month and the extra day certainly doesn’t help. Polo in the Park are cheering up potential visitors to their event with a flash sale that is taking place this weekend. They are making the most of the extra 24 hours. In honour of the 29th February there […]
The Season 2020: A preview of the Cheltenham Festival schedule

The start of the British Social Season is nearing and we are now only a few weeks away from the first major event. The Cheltenham Festival 2020 attracts crowds from far and wide. It has always been a highlight among racing fans and it has become an incredibly fashionable event to attend in recent years. […]
Chestertons Polo in the Park 2020 Super Early Bird Tickets

Chestertons Polo in the Park is back this June. For those planning their summer already, Super Early Bird Tickets are now available. The event is returning to Hurlingham Park on 5th, 6th and 7th June for an action packed three days of world-class polo, top-notch street-food, fabulous retail and an impressive array of pitch-side bars, live […]
The Season 2020: Cheltenham Festival introduces new social hotspot, The Park

A buzzing pop up social hotspot is being introduced to Cheltenham for the major race meet in March. Brand new for the Cheltenham Festival 2020, presented by Magners, is ‘The Park’. Featuring entertainment and live music throughout the day, The Park will host a range of new bars showing live racing, street food stalls and […]
The Season 2020: Badminton Horse Trials box office opens

Badminton Horse Trials, one of the most established equestrian sporting events, is set to enter a remarkable eighth decade. One of the most popular events in our British Social Season will open its Box Office next week. This means you can purchase your Badminton Horse Trials tickets in advance from Monday 13th January. The event is offering […]
The Season 2020: Key dates now available for the British Social Season

The Sloaney’s guide to the The Season 2020.