Travel Snapshot: Five reasons to visit Canada
Friendly people, varied countryside and unique wildlife are just some of the top reasons to visit Canada. If you are planning your holidays for 2014, this is definitely a country worth considering…
1. The Scenery
Canada has a seemingly endless range of remarkable landscapes that even the best photographers have difficultly capturing on their lenses. The varied style of countryside includes snow-capped mountains with spiky peaks and majestic glaciers. It also boasts spectacular rainforests and you can even take a private helicopter tour through some of these. There are long stretches of coastlines and Canada plays host to some of the most famous natural attractions in the world, such as Niagara Falls. Needless to say, plenty of outdoor activities are offered with fishing, hiking and skiing among the most popular.

2. The People
If you plan to venture on your holidays to Canada during the coming year, you will definitely appreciate the willing attitude of the people and probably return home in a better frame of mind than when you first arrived! The Canadians are particularly friendly and polite but they also adopt a very positive attitude to life, which will leave you feeling motivated.
3. The Wildlife
Canada holidays are popular with those who like to enjoy beautiful scenery and also wild animals. Polar bears, grizzly bears and moose are among the creatures that will catch your eye. It is also home to some impressive whales, wolves and beavers. It is worth researching the best time of year to spot your favourite animals; plenty of tours take place in various areas for those looking to admire a specific species, especially grizzly bears.

Canada is home to a large number of bears
4. The Food
You will find plenty of must-have regional favourites and the seafood is a highlight. Think lobster, delicious scallops and wild salmon, among others. Vancouver has a strong eco-vision which means they champion the use of fresh, local, seasonal and organic goodness in most of the menus around the city.
5. The Cities
Canadian cities are notably clean and have a wide range of shopping, dining and entertainment options. Among the most famous to visit are Toronto, which is only about two hours from Niagara Falls. Montreal is also a favourite and although it is a very cosmopolitan city, the French and English incluences stand out the most. Calgary is another destination that stands out and was put on the map thanks to its role of hosting the Winter Olympics.

More information about Luxury Canada Holidays can be found on the Bridge & Wickers website. Bridge & Wickers offer tailor-made luxury holidays.
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