Top Tips for making it through Dry January
Dry January has become increasingly popular in recent years with many people seeing it as the perfect opportunity for a prolonged detox. After a rather indulgent Christmas and New Year, it also seems the ideal time to give yourself a complete rest from alcohol.
This year there are five weekends to negotiate without enjoying your favourite tipple. However, there are lots of mocktails available to try this month and it is a great opportunity to experiment with new flavours.
Head bartender at The Arch London in Marylebone Edina Sipocz has created a ‘Virgin Vera’ mocktail made with Aloe Vera water especially for dry January. He is also sharing some top tips with readers of The Sloaney for making it through the month alcohol free…

Tips for Dry January
1. Don’t hibernate
Just because you are not drinking, doesn’t mean you cannot have a fun time with your friends. The worst thing you can possibly do is to hole yourself up in your house and attempt to hibernate. Make it your mission to get up and make the most of your hangover free weekends and mornings. Plan activities you would never normally get round to at times you would never usually be up.
2. Ditch cocktails for detoxing mocktails
Don’t settle for plain old tap water when you go out. Drinking mocktails is a great way to get through dry January, as you are still treating yourself to a luxurious drink, minus the calories and headache the next morning. At The Arch London we offer a ‘Virgin Vera’ mocktail made with detoxing Aloe Vera water, muddled Fresh Lime, Raspberries and fresh Guava Juice.
3. Plan a holiday
Planning a holiday is the perfect way to motivate yourself during dry January, especially if it means you have to think about a bikini body – remember all those calories you will be saving during Dry Jan!
4. Recruit a partner in crime
Your driathlon will be about a million times easier if you have a least one of your friends on board the good ship sensible. You’ll have a sober partner in crime to go out with and look suitably smug while your other friends are on the path for a big hangover the next day!.
5. Try a new type of Exercise
Taking up a new exercise for the month will boost your levels of serotonin plus giving you something else to focus on. Try a ‘Ravercise’ classes – think daytime clubbing without the booze- for your dancing hit while staying firmly on the wagon.
The Arch London, 50 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London W1H 7FD. For reservations, please call: 020 7724 4700 or