Preventing insomnia: Tips for sleeping well
If you suffer endless sleepless nights or find yourself waking up in the early hours of the morning and unable to doze off again, we have some top tips to help combat insomnia. If it is starting to get really bad then we recommend visiting your doctor, but trying some of these steps may save you the trip.
Cut out tea and coffee: The National Health Service recommends cutting out tea and coffee for at least four hours before you go to bed. However, if you can remove it from your diet completely that will make a much bigger difference. For those who need a coffee fix, try to stop drinking it after midday.
Lie on the floor: We don’t suggest you sleep on the floor but lying on a hard surface before getting into bed can really help with your alignment. This is especially relevant for those who suffer from a sore back. Lying on the floor can help ease the pain and make sure your muscles are relaxed.
Stay away from screens: Typing on a computer, tweeting and even watching films in bed can make you more alert rather than sleepier. Try and stay away from a bright screen for at least one hour before going to bed and if you need to keep yourself occupied, reading a book can help tire your eyes.
Take a hot bath: Run a warm bath with your favourite soothing bubble bath before bedtime. Relaxing in the warm water will help loosen your body and also ensure your mind takes a break. Aromatic oils can assist with reducing stress levels.
Exercise: Going for a run or spending time in the gym late at night can be a bad idea as the lactic acid may take a while to disappear. However, working out early in the morning or during the day can really help you sleep through the night. Tiring your body out may seem obvious but sometimes it is the simple things that work best.
Reduce your alcohol intake: While it may be easy to fall fast asleep within a matter of minutes after a few drinks, alcohol often causes broken sleep. Reducing your intake will make a big difference to the quality of sleep and also encourage longer periods of uninterrupted rest.
Invest in luxury bed linen: You spend almost half of your life in bed, so it is well worth investing in high quality sheets or a luxury mattress. Sponge mattress toppers can provide a quick fix and may be more practical than changing your whole bed. However, the thread count of sheets is also vital in providing a soft base.