Our new mummy enjoys some ‘Me Time’
The first thing I learned since becoming a new mum is patience. While gently rocking my newborn baby in the middle of the night, this is just what you have to do. The second thing I learned since becoming a new mum is acceptance. Accepting that I will never again have the recommended ‘eight hours’ beauty sleep.
I have fallen into a black hole (time wise) of sleeping, waking, feeding, like my newborn. Fulfilling her ‘demand feeding’ (as they call it) every 2-4 hours with hardly any knowledge or recollection of the outside world. I decided it was time to make a few demands of my own. Or at least think about them. I should really try to have a shower every day. I must make an effort and get dressed. I shall rediscover my make-up bag, find my hairdryer, change my toe-nail polish. Me time.

Time for a make over for mummy
I have been getting by on the high from having my beautiful baby girl. That oxytocin hormone that gets you through labour and breastfeeding sure works wonders. But now that I finally have a minute or two to look at my post partum body naked (oh dear) in the mirror I see them. Stretch marks on my tummy. Not that I am thinking about parading around in an itsy-bitsy bikini ever again in my life, I still would rather they were not there.
And my hair, having been one of the lucky ones who’s hair grew thicker and stronger during pregnancy it now decided to have a rebirth and a whole new life of its own. It was time for a Mummy Make-over.
First off I ran a bath. I have loved Aromatherapy Associates since discovering the brand years ago at The Chelsea Club and just the smell of them takes me back to the spa. I love the smell and healing properties of Rose and use the renewing ‘Rose Hydrating Body Gel’. This non greasy gel is perfect post bath and holds the hydrating and softening properties of rose, geranium, evening primrose oil and jojoba, leaving me feeling rejuvenated and ready for another week of night feeds. Although I have kept my baby girl completely product free for the first few weeks I decided to indulge her with the ‘Support Supersensitive Massage & Body Oil’. This product is safe to use on babies over three months old and made with 100% organic ingredients. Perfect while trying out some techniques I learnt at baby massage. She smells even more delicious; english camomile and apricot kernel. The jojoba oils leave her skin so soft. Their ‘Refining Face Oil’ is perfect for any hormonal changes that can occur when pregnant. I found my skin more oily and despite being an oil, this product can really help regulate over oily skin with the renowned properties of lavender together with balancing ylang ylang and soothing jojoba. It can be used daily as it is light and leaves the skin comfortable and conditioned.

Aromatherapy Associates
RemeScar is a silicone based cream for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks and can be used from the second month of pregnancy. The cream has a long lasting protective film with active properties to stimulate healing. RemeScar claims “Up to 50% decrease of stretch mark severity in just 28 days” and I have been managing to find 30 seconds at some stage of the morning and before bedtime to rub it in religiously. It is a light consistency, and not too oily or sticky which also makes it simple to do quickly. I have already noticed that the marks have become lighter after one months usage. I will continue to use for at least the recommended three months and try it on some other unsightly areas too.

Tackling the stretch marks
I booked a hair appointment for a colour, trim and blow dry, leaving my husband with our baby and enough expressed milk to feed her should I not be back in time. Leaving the house for the first time without her was surprisingly fine, and as I sat in the massage chair having someone run their hands through my hair I released a rather loud sigh. Enjoying flicking through the latest glossy magazine and feeling pampered It wasn’t until due her feed time my boobs started aching (the milk let down). I suddenly didn’t care about the blow dry bit and wanted to run out of the salon as fast as I could back to my baby. Of course both baby and hubbie were coping without me. As I walked through the door he was feeding her which meant that they were having some precious bonding time. I decided booking a facial for the following week and massage for the week after would be vital for the well-being of all three of us.
Rose Hydrating Body Gel: £31.00, Support Supersensitive Massage & Body Oil: £41.00, Refining Face Oil: £42.00 – Aromatherapy Associates, www.aromatherapyassociates.com
RemeScar RRP: £19.95 for Silicone Scar Stick (5.4g), £24.95 for silicone Scar Cream
(100ml) available from Boots stores nationwide and Boots.com