Top 5 things to think of when booking a holiday
Whether you’re thinking of holidaying abroad this year or planning on a stay-cation, January and February are purported to be the best months to book a summer holiday. But there are certain things you should look out for and consider before booking.

Check your passports
It might sound obvious but checking your passport is in date is a must – and check it a couple of months before you’re set to leave for your holiday. It takes an average of 31 days to renew a passport, so remember to factor this in when booking your holidays.
It’s also worth noting that many countries require your passport to be valid for a particular period from your date of arrival, so this will need double checking too. And remember that passports for under 16’s are only valid for 5 years.
Check you’re booking through a reputable company
With four out of five people now booking their holiday online, make sure you’re booking yours through a reputable company. Criminals are taking advantage of our preference for booking online and are setting up dummy holiday sites. If you are asked to pay directly into a bank account be aware this could be a scam and the authorities should be made informed.
Plan your travel
If you’re doing a self-drive holiday, or need to catch a plane or ferry, have you planned your travel routes – yes, a Sat Nav is all well and good, but what happens if there’s an accident and you need to reroute? Planning in advance and having an idea will help should the unexpected occur.
Similarly, if you or someone you’re travelling with has mobility problems, it can be worth doing research before-hand. Companies like Allied Mobility offer wheelchair accessible hire vehicles – perfect if you’re not confident navigating public transport with mobility difficulties.
Sort your travel money
Leaving your travel money to the last minute could cost you more, especially if you’re planning on exchanging money at the airport. The cheapest rates can often be found online, which you can either arrange for delivery or pick up.
Avoid incurring extra charges when you’re abroad by using a pre-loaded currency card. When paying by card if there’s an option to pay in local currency of GBP, always pay in the local currency.
Take out travel insurance
Take out travel insurance at the time of booking, not just before you’re set to take your holiday. If for some reason you are unable to take your holiday, you should be covered – so long as you took out insurance at the time of booking.
A worrying number of holidaymakers to the tune of 8.6 million are travelling without insurance. Travel insurance isn’t just for holidays abroad, even if you’re staying in the U.K you should take out insurance.
Holidays are a time for you to relax and unwind, so remember to use our tips to reduce the stress, and help you avoid any pre-holiday drama.