
Designing Your Bedroom into a Mindful Sanctuary

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The bedroom is a bit of a peculiar room to think about when it comes to decorating your home. It is at once a private place with the potential to reflect the most of your personality, and a practical space which offers little more than a place for you to sleep and dress; if the hours we spent asleep didn’t count, we’d spend by far the least amount of time in our bedrooms compared to the other rooms of our home (on average, of course – no judgement for the bed-workers amongst us).

Whether you see your bedroom as a potential ‘happy place’ or a simple room with a simple purpose, you can’t deny that how it looks will have some profound impacts on your sense of comfort at home. In order to make your bedroom its most tranquil, mindful best – and maybe to buck that bed-working habit of yours – you should consider the following tips for designing your bedroom into a mindful sanctuary of all its own.

Choose Calming Colours for a Restorative Atmosphere

Any decoration project you undertake should start with your approach to colour – and especially so when it comes to the bedroom, where calm and relaxation are vital. Suffice to say, bold primary colours won’t do you many restful favours here.

Indeed, colour psychology plays a crucial role in setting the tone of your bedroom. Soft, neutral tones like pastels, light greys, and earth tones are invaluable in bringing a sense of calm to you space – both from their connection to the tones of the natural world, and from their less-stimulating hues.

Declutter and Maximise Space for Mental Clarity

Colour can only do so much for the mood your bedroom promotes, though. The things you own are naturally going to impact how the space makes you feel, particularly if they’re strewn haphazardly around the place. The floordrobe is one of the easiest bedroom traps to fall into, and also one of the biggest sponges for calm and mindful relaxation.

As such, storage is key to creating the haven you seek! Particularly a good, capacious wardrobe that you don’t mind folding your clothes up into. The right kind of wardrobe can also save you a shedload of space, whether you fit one into an awkward corner or incorporate sliding doors to increase the amount of usable walking space. Under-bed storage is fantastic, too, for storing spare bedding and such necessities – thus keeping your bedroom floor clear and clean, and promoting a much less stuffy sense of bedroom calm.

Light Control for Better Sleep

In thinking about bedroom design, you can also think more directly about the quality of your sleep and how to improve it. Decent black-out curtains can help you properly control the light you let into your bedroom in the summer months, while integrating something like a SAD lamp into your bed’s headboard can improve your wakefulness in the dingy winter months.