L’oscar hotel collaborates with London hatmakers Lock & Co. Hatters for festive season
The opulent L’oscar hotel is delighted to announce its Christmas partnership with esteemed London hatters, Lock & Co. The oldest hat shop in the world boasts a clientele dating back to 1676; if you’ve seen a picture of the likes of Admiral Lord Nelson, Charlie Chaplin or Sir Winston Churchill sporting a striking hat, it’s likely to be a Lock & Co. creation. The collaboration will see the hatters bring its passion for hats to L’oscar by installing a suitably stylish and utterly festive makeover that will be ready for guests on 22nd November.
L’oscar’s name and indulgently designed purple and gold interiors are inspired by glamourous dandy and witty writer, Oscar Wilde, who was one of Lock & Co.’s 19th century patrons. Wilde was famously photographed wearing a Lock & Co. fedora on his 1882 US lecture tour and it is this that went on to inspire the ‘Oscar’ hat – a dashing, wide-brimmed style. Today the ‘Oscar’ has been reimagined as the ‘St James’ fedora, which will take pride of place at L’oscar hotel this Christmas – and with it, a gigantic Lock & Co. inspired Christmas tree.

Six of Lock & Co.’s sophisticated hat boxes will be piled underneath the twinkling tree like ultra-upscale presents, and Lock & Co. will also be treating L’oscar guests to a real gift: hotel guests will receive an exclusive 10% discount on all Lock & Co. hats – perfect for gifting themselves or a friend a chic, high quality hat from Lock & Co.’s wide range that includes a Peaky Blinders-esque flat cap and a Winston Churchill-style bowler.
The Baptist Bar & Grill will also be throwing their hat in the ring during the collaboration by mixing up a brand-new cocktail inspired by Oscar Wilde’s Lock & Co. fedora. The aptly named Fedora will pay homage to Wilde’s Irish roots with a base of Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey, which is then mixed with 1686 syrup and Fuoco Essentia before being topped with champagne. The finished concoction will be served in a highball glass and garnished with a stripe just like that on the fedora.