Get an A-list Glow with a Milk Peel at Absolute Aesthetics
As we head towards the winter months, our skin needs plenty of extra TLC. Whether this involves splashing out on some special nourishing products or squeezing in a few extra treatments to your schedule, the added attention will reap rewards.
When it comes to treatments, those with minimal downtime and ones that can easily slot into a busy lifestyle are always best in our opinion. We recently discovered Absolute Aesthetics in central London, which has a selection of premium offerings that includes their much talked about Milk Peel Facial.

Absolute Aesthetics
The Milk Peel Facial has been created to help give you flawless skin that is worthy of A-listers such as Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba or Natalie Portman. While the appointment time is approximately 45 minutes long in order for a specialist consultation to also be conducted, the treatment itself is very quick and only takes a third of this time to complete.
The Milk Peel uses natural ingredients to help stimulate the skin. It works by using glycolic and salicylic acid to promote rapid cellular turnover in the top layer of skin instead of peeling away layers. This means that your skin is left with a radiant glow and there is no flaky appearance.
During the treatment you will feel some mild discomfort, but only in the sense that your face will feel incredibly itchy. However, a small fan helps cool the surface and this makes a real difference. Also, the ingredients are only on your face for a very short period of time.
Although we were warned that minimal redness can occur briefly following the treatment, there was actually no downtime and makeup could be applied immediately. It is also suitable for most skin types.

Absolute Aesthetics has a new flagship clinic in central London
This is a perfect option for those looking to brighten up their complexion prior to a big party or special occasion. The results are instant, very impressive and we certainly recommend readers try the Milk Peel. Afterwards, your skin will feel incredibly smooth and very even.
Milk Peel is available from Absolute Aesthetics ( and costs £60 per treatment. Absolute Aesthetics recently opened its doors to the new flagship clinic, which is located at 1 Chapel Place, W1.